About Us

Women's Ultimate in Ireland has been progressing over the last number of years to what is now a competitive, fun and active scene for a horde of players, both new and old. With two womens clubs underway in 2010 for the first time ever, we can look forward to even more competition and a raising of what is already an impressively high standard of play.

Womens Reports 2009/2010

#3 March 2010

  • Cork Attend Sista Session
  • Siege of Limerick Women's Division
  • U23 World Championships in Florence
  • Women's Intervarsities
  • Women's Pick-up Games
  • LMS Blog
  • Mixed Nationals

Lots has taken place these past couple of months which is fantastic to see! First off, there was the storming of the indoor tournament, Sista Session, in Paris by the ladies of Cork at the end of January. Here is a report from the captain, Deirdre Corbett.

Report:  Sista Session 
Some of the UCC Ladies were lucky enough to attend the SistaSession tournament held in Cergy, Paris on the 6th and 7th of February.
The ten players headed off on the Friday and after finally arriving at the tournament hotel, (taxi driver dropped us to the wrong one first) we were able to relax and get ready for the matches the next day. 
There were three teams in every group and depending on the results of those each team were put into another group stage.
On the Saturday morning our first game was against YAKA. We knew this was going to be a really tough game and it was. We went into the match hoping to gain experience and get comfortable playing in a full indoor pitch. YAKA were great at making catches in the air and a lot of defence was needed on our part.  It took UCC a while to get into swing of things but by the end of the 25 minutes our zone was working well and our passes were becoming more fluid.  Final score: YAKA 13, Skulltimate 1.
Our second game of the morning was against Miss Fair. This team were not as strong as our last components however we still had to fight hard to get points. The plays were lasting much longer in this game with many turnovers as the teams were more evenly matched, however , Miss Fair had the experience to finish out the points.  Final score: Miss Fair 9, Skulltimate 2
Our third match of the day was against Oufettes. This game was really intense and competitive. Again our zone worked well however our play on offence was a bit weak and we were finding it hard to get the scores we deserved. Final score: Oufettes 10, Skulltimate 3.
Our final match on the Saturday was against the home team Sista Vibrations. Although it was the final match of the day everyone played really well and gave it they’re all. This was the most intense match of the day as both teams had lost all their previous matches and neither team wanted to lose. At one stage both teams were tied at 5-5. Unfortunately Sista Vibrations got the lead and the final score was Sista Vibrations 9, Skulltimate 6.
Although not the score we hoped, Skulltimate played really well and had gelled well as a team over the course of the day. Saturday night, all the teams went to a centre for a meal and the dance tournament. Each team had to perform a dance of at least 90 seconds. It was really good fun and there were mini buses ready to bring us back to the hotel when we were ready. (Skulltimate came second with our performance of “I need a hero”, Bonnie Tyler!)
Sunday morning our first game was against Phoenix.  Again, it took the UCC ladies a while to get into the swing of things and some of the continuation we had the day before was lost. Our defence was definitely our strongest point. Points lasted really long and fitness really came into play in this match. Final score: Phoneix 10, Skulltimate 5.
Our final match on the Sunday was against Tramuntara, a Spanish team. Unfortunately, things didn’t go as well for us as they had in other matches. Tiredness was a contributing factor as everyone was wrecked after the weekend and we had lost the intensity in our zone that we had in other matches. Final score: Tramuntara 13, Skulltimate  2.  
The final was against YAKA and Fillelis with Fillelis winning in universal point 13-12. It was an amazing match to watch and it was really interesting to see how other teams set their stack and put on a zone.
Overall , it was a great tournament and one that we will hopefully return too. It was really well run and all the teams were really welcoming. It was great to see so many woman players with a total of 18 teams entering.
The theme for the weekend was “everything for the girls” (or something to that effect) so we had male cheerleaders entertaining us for some of the day. The facilities were really good with the Hotel in walking distance of the Main complex. The language barrier was a bit of a problem, especially when it came to speeches but with a lot of hand gestures and facial expressions we got through it. 

Next up was the Siege of Limerick, which held its first ever women's division. Aside from some, ahem, slight failings, the tournament was a fun weekend and I'd like to thank all the girls who pushed through to make it possible. The winners of the tournament were a very strong Jabba the Huck with Friends team that stole the flag from a weary Trinity, who nevertheless put up a brave battle. The final score was 9-5*. MVP of the winning team (there was no MVP of the final awarded in the division) was Elaine Prendiville. Joint third was awarded to DCU and UCC followed by Trinity 2 and UCD joining for 5th place (teams chose not to play the placement games when they were unexpectedly scheduled at the tournament in order to save tired and injured bodies). Spirit winners were DCU.

U23 women's and mixed trials took place the following weekend. The women's team's head coach is a fellow that goes by the name of D-man, or Alan Doyle for normal people. The head coaches for the mixed team are Sinead O'Shiel Flemming (a.ka. Shinners) and Ciara Fitzpatrick (a.k.a. the nice one). The competition is taking place on the 19th to the 25th of July 2010. Check out the website here:


Remember the snow in Limerick? The average temperature in Florence in July is 33oC...

Didn't try out and wish you had? I'm sure if you grovel enough, the coaches will be willing to listen. E-mail u23women@irishultimate.com or u23mixed@irishultimate.com, depending on which you'd prefer.

The selected squad for the women's has been announced and is as follows:

Áine Ní Bhreasail

Olwen Murphy

Claire Pugh

Deirdre Corbett

Megan Reilly

Jennifer Cooper
Amy Curran
Louise Mckeon

Caoimhe Quigley
Celine Campbell
Helen Hobson

Fiona Mernagh

Gina Sheppard

Courtney Hosp
Genevieve O' Sullivan
Amy Moffat
Sinead Byrne
Congratulations to you all!

Women's Intervarsities happened for the second year running and was an even greater success than last year. With 4 eligible teams and one pick up team, this tournament has become an official fixture on the uni-calendar and one that colleges will no doubt have in mind from the start of next year as a prime goal. Trinity and DCU went head to head in their third final of the season. Unfortunately a half-broken DCU couldn't keep up with the pace that Trinity set from the start, though the fight in them never disappeared, with some points being regained towards the end. It was too little, too late however and Trinity won with flying colours (and a flying Hobson) at 10-6* to end the game.

Final Results were as follows: (spirit scores in brackets)

1) TCD (14.25)
2) DCU (16.5) (spirit winners)
3) UCC (14.5)
4) UCD (13.25)
5) UL + pickups (12.5)

Congratulations to Heather Barry as well, who walked away with MVP of the final, Golden hand AND Golden arm. Along with nice trophies, she also won £60 worth of vouchers kindly sponsored by lookfly.

Full scorage stats can be found here:
http://trinity. irishultimate. com/viewtopic. php?f=5&t=150&p=919#p919

Big thanks to Trinity for hosting the tournament and especially the TD Gearóid Ó Fearghaíl who did a great job.

Women's Pick-up Games

These take place once a month, organised by Laura McGrath of Little Miss Sunshine, and have been a great success so far. The most recent date was set for today from 11-1pm and what a game! Sun screen was passed around, there were subs aplenty for each team and the score was only 3 points in difference at the end. A fantastic tight game with the most amount of girls yet, including an international of Iceni fame who flew specially from London to take part. These are open to any female who wants to come along, no experience necessary. The next one is happening on the 11th of April in Cork. I hope to see even more girls at these in the future.

LMS Blog:

LMS has set up its very own blog and all of its sunny content can be viewed by following this link:


Mixed All-Ireland Club Nationals

These are taking place on the 24th and 25th of April, in St Anne's Park, Raheny. Get scouting for a club to play with if you don't already have one! Girls are like gold for mixed tournaments.

I think that's all the news regarding women's but if there's something I foolishly overlooked, please do tell me.


*There's a chance these scores are completely wrong. Very sorry if so and feel free to correct me.

#2 January 2010

  • UCD Beginners
  • Rose Bowl
  • LMS go North and Win Spirit
  • Trinity take on the Brits
  • Social
  • Ladies Yahoo Group
  • Pookas

UCD Beginners...

...is back! It's happening on the 30th and 31st of January and for the first time ever will feature a women's division. Not only this but there's a twist of no experienced being allowed on the line, the beginner's will take things into their own hands. If you haven't got a team, get in touch with myself or the organisers and we can allocate you to a team for the weekend. Do not be shy!


Rose Bowl

29 ladies divided into 5 teams descended on the grounds of Gonzaga to battle things out in a round robin format. The Black team conquered iron-woman Yellow in the final, tasting the sweetness of revenge for their earlier defeat.

This wasn't just a day of Ultimate however; there was chocolate biscuit cake to satiate the female's greatest desire, heated games of dodgeball during lunch and one brazen beginner who startled the rugby schoolboys in their changing rooms by running a lap of the dressing room. 

A special big thank you to Marko who was pivotal in securing the venue and in turn to Gonzaga College for their extremely friendly cooperation and helpfulness.

LMS go North and Win Spirit by Laura McGrath

Yes you read right, LMS took home the coveted Spirit Prize from the
Belfast Christmas Cracker! Woop woop!

Not only that, our team of 6 played a grand total of 9 20min games,
won 5 lost 4, NO BAGELS, finished up in a very respectable 7th place
out of 12!

It was our 1st tournament as a club, we got our first ever win in
Belfast and took home Spirit, cant ask for a better start than that.
All in all it was a hugely enjoyable day (esp when we beat a drunk
UCD, who weren't so happy :-) )

Big thanks to Fiona, Jen, Heather, Lucy and Mandy for travelling up
for it. There were some awesome throws and sweet catches throughout
the day, gotta love indoors.... ;)

MVP went to Lucy for pinging break flicks at us, we were scared in the
first game but we slowely got used to them :-D

Oh and we now have a song thanks to Heather, to the tune of "we're
walking on sunshine...we're little miss sunshine OOOooooh". Good
cheesy music!

A very happy Laura :)
Trinity take on the Brits

A line of very brave beginners traversed the Irish Sea to take on the best British university teams in the Women's Indoor UK Nationals. Here's what Claire 'Pug' Pugh, had to say on how things went:

UWIN 2009, Loughborough
Date: 5th & 6th December 2009
Winners: Urielle, Exeter University
Spirit Award: Chichester University
Trinity placed 16th.

We arrived on a chilly winters night to a Church hall in Loughborough which was to be our sleeping quarters for the weekend. We were greeted by Ally and Chef the organisers of the tournament and after warming ourselves up with a quick cuppa’, we set up camp for the night. 
Having a team made up of mostly beginners, nerves were high heading into the first game. We were up early on Saturday for a tough but very spirited game against Positive Mojo from Aberdeen. Mojo displayed a strong squad throughout the tournament, with 3 or 4 capable handlers on the pitch at all times and a team full of great cutters. Their outside-in throws and quick, polished cuts made Mojo a threat from the starting buzzer and we did well to only concede 7 points.
Next up to play Trinity were local team Haze, from Loughborough University. This was Caoimhe and my chance to befriend some locals to take us in on the last night! (we were being cheap and staying an extra night to avail of better Ryanair offers!) Another tough game ensued. After starting the game poorly with some unnecessary turnovers, we eventually started to gel more as a team. Even though we got a more fluid offence going and managed to score, Haze clearly held the upper hand throughout the match.
In our games against Fling and Shimmy we played better again, getting more goals. Unfortunately however both teams comfortably beat us.
For our last pool game of the tournament Trinity played Plymouth Picnickers. With their neon socks and “kapow” pants one might fall under the illusion that Picnickers weren’t there to take things too seriously, but while we played well and perhaps had our best game of the day, Plymouth were definitely a very talented team and I’m afraid we just weren’t a match for them.
So by that evening we were knackered! Girly gossip sessions began as we waited 2 hours for pizza… yes TWO HOURS. (the pizza place decided to delete our 1st order when they realised we had phoned from a foreign mobile… they didn’t bother to tell us though!) When our appetites were satisfied we befriended the Scots, Positive Mojo from Aberdeen and Dundee Shooting Stars in particular. Shooting Stars fancy dress effort deserves mention with them going all out as worryingly believable geeks! They seemed most up for the craic and we managed to make a night out of the flop of a party that had been organised (seeing that the organisers and home team didn’t even show!) One of the barwomen in Rain nightclub had family from Sligo though so I charmed her into giving us a free half jug of cocktails! Wahey! 
After having a tough day on the Saturday, moral on the Sunday wasn’t too high. However after a really encouraging team talk from captain Rebecca Wall, all of us were back on track and ready to make the most of the day!
Games on the Sunday were more fun in general, now that we were used to playing together and the teams were up against were at a more similar level of ability. We played Fling again and definitely showed improvement the second time around. Unfortunately Trinity’s captain for the weekend Rebecca Wall was injured early in the day and had to captain from the sideline for most of the day.
The game against Dundee that afternoon was very tight, with the teams being well matched, which made for our most enjoyable game of the tournament. For this game, Trinity really got into their stride with steady defence and some really good breaks on offence. We were very unfortunate to lose by a single point. We really probably could have won except for confusion with the clock and the game ended 2 minutes before we expected. Still, a very spirited game was enjoyed by all.
By the last match we had gathered many supporters, including the organiser Chef and some of our new Scottish friends, which was really nice! Trinity were now playing iron man for most of the game against Sussex’s Mohawks because Rebecca was injured and Jenny and Gemma had to catch an earlier flight. While we gave it our all and really played well, unfortunately the Sussex team had one very extremely talented experienced player who we just couldn’t stop and the final result wasn’t in our favor yet again. But it was an admirable last game from Trinity with everyone giving 100 % until the final whistle.
We may have placed last in the tournament but valuable lessons were learnt and much experience was gained. It was wonderful to get the opportunity to see such a high standard of women’s ultimate and hopefully we’ll get the chance to go back and compete again when we have a bit more experience on our side! Trinity did manage to play a small part in the final though with a Trinity disc being used for the game!
Trinity team: Helen Hobson, Caoimhe Quigley, Helen Clapham, Jennifer Sutton, Rebecca Wall (c) , Emma Mc Gahey, Gemma Hogan, Claire Pugh
MSP: Helen Clapham and Rebecca Wall. MVP: Claire Pugh


I think a social is in tall order for the new year, anyone have any places they'd suggest? Or dates that suit? Sometime in late January or early February. Please get in touch. You won't be roped into doing any of the organising (unless you'd like to be), I'm just looking for ideas.

Irish Ladies Yahoo Group

There have been additions to the member list but not nearly as many as there should be. Captains, please remind the beginners to join or send me their e-mails and I can e-mail them invitations. Also, please forward this e-mail to them.


Don't get enough e-mails for your liking from the women's group alone? Then sign up for Pookas, the mailing list open to all of the Ultimate community in Ireland! You'll never miss an Ultimate related event again (and plenty of non-Ultimate related events too).


That's all folks. However, if you have anything you'd like to see presented in the next women's report (whenever that may be, you may have noticed they're not that frequent) or if you think I left out something, please get in touch.

#1 November


  • Rose Bowl
  • Whacking Day
  • Women's Social
  • Skills Session
  • Indoor Intervarsities
  • Little Miss Sunshine
  • Forum

Most important topic first!

Rose Bowl
This year's Rose Bowl will be taking place on the 12th of December (location to be confirmed but somewhere in Dublin, probably near Clontarf). Entries are being taken now until the 2nd of December. Sign up is possible through www.irishultimate. com or, if you're not signed up to the site, by sending an e-mail to womens@irishultimat e.com.

This is an incredibly fun, relaxed tournament that should be encouraged by everyone to attend! If you've never heard of it, it is an all-female hat tournament where teams are made up by picking names out of a hat. You get to play with people of all different experience levels and from anywhere in the country and in the evening we meet up with the boys for a wild night out in town. It's all kept super cheap too.

Whacking Day 

Whacking Day had a smashing turnout in the women's division with 8 teams competing- 3 of them having come from Cork! Congratulations to Trinity 2 for taking home gold as winners over UCD in the final. Final standings and results can be seen here.

There was also a women's exhibition game that wowed the audience for its super skill and speed (or we like to think it did). Feedback was all positive on this so thanks to everyone who came out and the colleges' experienced players for taking part. Certainly something to keep up for future years.

Women's Social
The women's social planned for enthusiastically at the women's meeting went ahead as scheduled on the 12th of November in the Woolshed. Despite no alumni making it out, DCU, TCD and DIT all showed that they were made of play hard, party-harder girls. Trinity rocked the stage and gyrated their way through a rendition of Ain't Nothing But Mammals by Bloodhound Gang, while DCU were rejected their request for Baby One More Time by a surprisingly early close of the bar. However, DCU won the second challenge where a happy beginner proudly claimed her free drink after hassling strangers to sign her piece of paper.

A colossal thank you to Louise McKeon who organised the whole night and kept in touch with the various colleges to keep everyone updated and encourage them to come out. Her pictures of the night can be found here. Any from Trinity or DIT's perspective?

Can anyone with suggestions for a Christmas social please get in touch with me. I would like it to happen right after exams for some colleges such as UCD but before everyone breaks up and heads home (think around the 20th?). Nothing too mad necessariy, just a simple gathering in a pub would be perfectly pleasant.

Skills Session

The skills session went ahead on Saturday the 14th with turnouts from Trinty, DCU and some late arrivals from UCD. Thanks so much to Ciara Fitzpatrick and Emily Vereker who ran the session and to Louise who was equipment manager for the day. It was a great session by all accounts and I'm sure the standard of players was nothing short of impressive. Hopefully another one of these will be possible in the New Year.

Indoor Intervarsities

What a day! Despite losing their first two pool games, Trinity went on to claim their second title of the season in women's. They beat a taken aback UCC in the semi's and took an early lead in the final to come out on top against DCU. All the results can be found here.

This tournament had over 50 women attend, with easily over 30 of them being beginners. This is one of the most successful years for female recruitment- let's keep it that way.

Big thanks to Jabba the Huck who ran the tournament and even provided a player for the pick-up team (DIT & friends) so that they could stay in the competition and win the plate. It was fantastic of the DIT girls to be so determined to play that day, despite dropouts, and thanks to Amy (Jabba), Katie (NUIM) and Aoife (WIT) for being their pick-ups.

Best of luck to Trinity who will take on the Brits in UK Nationals on the 5th and 6th of December in Loughborough.

Little Miss Sunshine

LMS enjoyed their second night braving the wintery conditions of Tallaght (and some disc-stealing scamps too) last night with another impressive turnout of 14 (plus 3 injured). If you would like more details regarding these sessions, send an e-mail to shouldie@gmail. com. There is also an associated training for any experienced girls located in Munster, led by Alan Doyle.


If anyone has beginners who they think would like to join the forum, send this link to them:

http://sports. groups.yahoo. com/group/ irishladies/ ?v=1&t=search&ch=web&pub=groups&sec=group&slk=7

I will be expecting this to be done before the girls break away for the Christmas holidays but I understand if you don't want to do it before then as I know I personally bombard DCU beginners with enough e-mails as it is. Any beginners outside of college or without a real women's body should be signed up immediately. Also, don't forget:

http://irish- ladies.forumotio n.net

Thanks for reading, I wasn't expecting to have quite so much to say.

Kind Regards,

IFDA Women's Coordinator